
Some of the vegan/vegetarian almost all homemade meals that have been making me a very happy lady. Follow me on instagram to see more of my foodie adventures x

In a nutshell my answer is...NO! listen, listen, listen Linda (You'll have to see the infamous YouTube clip that went viral a short while ago). Anyways, back to my non-meat eating quest.

To give you a tiny bit of insight into me and my history, mother is Hindu and my father is a Rastafarian. Both have been vegetarian at some point, both do not touch pork, one does not eat beef or lamb and it would get a hell of a lot confusing if I broke it down even further. Me, well I don't touch pork or beef urgh. I think it's due to my upbringing that I don't eat these meats. I have eaten both growing up and don't get me wrong a beef burger, meatballs or bacon sarnie are actually something that I think taste delicious. However, I just really do not like eating them and haven't done so in forever.

Meat taste good to me I cannot deny it! However, I'm one of those meat eaters that sits down with a plate of food and then starts thinking about where it comes from, what it looks like and all manor of thoughts that you do not want when eating. If I see a bit of vein in meat, chew a bit of cartilage or anything that reminds me of its realness then just like that I'm put off and cannot eat it. The same, happens with milk, eggs and cheese. One day I'll be eating cheese and loving it then the brain starts ticking over and then I cannot eat it for months. This has happened on and off throughout my life. I'll eat meat one day and then wont go near it for 6 months or so. Strangely, enough I seem to have no issue with eggs in cakes hmmm.

I didn't decide that I wanted to trek on the path of vegetarian/veganism (I'm still working on what works best for me) because a celebrity has taken it up, it's the in thing to do or people think it's a quick weight-loss fad. Trust me you can quite happily be chunky lady whilst being a vegan/vegetarian my clothes can testify to that.

So in answer to the question in the title of this blog a meatless diet works best for me...just not on a full-time basis...yet or maybe never. Who knows? Eating meat makes me feel happy. Not eating meat makes me feel happier on so many levels. I love nothing more than eating a vegan/vegetarian based diet and I guess this won't make sense to some. I currently stick to a vegan/vegetarian diet during the week and if I fancy fish or chicken on the weekend I will dabble. It is becoming the norm that I'll still not eat any animals come Saturday/Sunday. However, it's what works for me. I will continue along my journey with a medium that suits me and my body. Get guidance, don't be pressurized into anything and do what works best for you and see you. Please comment below and let me know of your experiences and thoughts x

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