
I really want to write something cool, witty and oh so 'it's never been said before'...but I can't. This is my second subscription with Graze. I'll get to the reason why I cancelled my most recent and last subscription in a bit. in a nutshell is a healthy snack postal subscription service that you can schedule to suit your requirements, taste, needs and lifestyle.

You let them know of all the items that you never wish to receive, the ones you like and most importantly the ones you love. This is a bonus considering many people have varied dietary requirements which can be catered for. The variety is great and means that you can almost certainly get something new and interesting with each order. This is great as you can only stretch the imagination so far when popping into your regular shop when you fancy a healthy little treat.

I highly recommend that you try Graze who currently have an offer where you can get 3 boxes free (spaced out throughout your subscription). At a cost of £3.89 and the chance to pass on a code to friends, family and whoever, which gives you a discount on future orders; then what isn't to love? I hear Graze is also spreading its wings and started up a service in America which can only be a good thing.

Why did I cancel my subscription? I’m a cookie jar empty or cookie jar full kind of lady. If I open a packet of sweets, biscuit, popcorn or anything that my sweet tooth craves then I will eat the item(s) in its entirety. So whilst Graze is great for people who can show self-restraint, I turn into a human version of the Cookie Monster. I go through the contents of the box with such precision, race and speed that the postman barely gets the box through the letterbox before its finished.

So whilst I love Graze and everything it’s about until I control my see and eat everything self then I shall sit afar and get my fix watching people do Graze YouTube reviews whilst drooling uncontrollably. I think once I get back into my fitness regime (I almost believed myself there...I'm building up to returning to the gym *sigh*) Please visit Graze and find out what your missing out on as I already know. Let me know what you think once you've given it a go.

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