
I was shopping for stationary as I've found myself doing on an almost weekly basis. Yes I own PinkPuff Loves and yes I have an addiction to stationary and I don't care, it makes me happy.

I had just finished ringing up my little haul in WHSmith's when one eyeball suddenly caught sight of a mass of coloured ball like shapes. When my remaining eyeball caught up I realised I was looking at a stand of jelly beans who were seductively giving me the eye. I tried to press the button on the self-serve till to complete my purchase and scurry out of the store with my goods.

However, before I knew it my till operating finger was leading the remainder of my hand and then my body in the direction of the stand. There was a queue of stationary laden people waiting to use the tills, however, any thoughts of having a conscience about keeping them waiting had now turned to uncaring. I wanted the jelly beans and I was going to get the jelly beans.

I had reached the stand and picked up a tube when my attention was drawn to a box standing proudly at the top of the stand. It was cream and red with cute little jelly beans and a heart. I was already smitten, however, when I saw the flavour, smitten turned to stalker! I grabbed the box and scuttled back to the self-serve tills with the speed and agility of what could only be compared to a real life action movie. Before I knew it I was safely back on the bus armed with an array of items I'm sure I didn't need.

I got through the front door, turned on the heating, took off my coat, scarf, hat and 4 layers of extra clothing. Priorities! I emptied my goods on the table. You know when you've brought lots of goodies and you want to see them laid out in front of you so you can bask in their glory. I done this for all of a minute before I grabbed my sweeties and managed to take a few photos before trying a couple and then proceeding to eat the entire box in less than half an hour.....oooops! Sorry....not sorry, they were DELICIOUSNESSTASTYUM!

Gourmet Belgian white chocolate covered raspberry flavoured jelly beans. I could go on and on about how much I enjoyed them and how tasty they were, however, I would recommend that you go and purchase a box or two immediately and join me in the jelly bean eating movement. They are nut free, GMO free, gelatine free and gluten free so there is one for everybody.

The Jelly Bean Factory gourmet chocolate range comes in the following flavours fruit mix, cherry, mint, coffee and raspberry and are covered in either Belgian white, milk or dark chocolate. I for one shall be bypassing the coffee flavour, however, I will keep you posted on my quest to try all the other flavours.

I purchased my 110g box in WHSmith for £2.11, however, they can be purchased in various retail outlets or online at Jelly Bean Factory. Have a try and let me know what you think.

 Chocolate + Jelly Beans = A very happy me!

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