
Picture this. You go to your local store. You purchase your usual sweet(s). You eat said sweet. Repeat this again and again until you eventually get so bored that you start seeking out something a little different. You know that joy and buzz when you discover a new pair of trainers you love or you find an outfit that you were looking for but could never find! Now imagine that same joy of finding something new and different twice a month without you having to even leave your home!

Years ago I became a regular feature of my local China Town buying everything. Especially the things where I had no clue what they were. Some of this Russian Roulette shopping led to horrendous results, however, mostly I found great joy in trying things new and different.

One day I was on the internet as you do searching out new wares and treats when I came across Candy Japan I was a little skeptical as the only foodie type subscription service that I've ever tried was Graze which was nice, however, I found I quickly tired of what was on offer as with a little work and effort I could produce the same items I was receiving. I contacted the lovely Bemmu who was kind enough to gift me with a sample of this months treats.

I eagerly awaited the delivery all the way from Japan to the point that I think my postman thinks I'm now stalking him. The fun and anticipation of not knowing what will arrive only adds to the suspense and joy of your treats arriving through the letterbox.

So my package finally arrived and I pounced (after taking some pictures) and started tasting all the gorgeous treats one by one. Making mental notes whilst at it of the ones that I have to try again.

The theme of my box was tea and yummy does it deliver. I'm already a fan of green tea for it's health benefits and the fact that I actually like it too is a bonus. I never thought to replace my usual routine cup of tea and it's slice of cake with green tea. I'm now converted; the bitter warmth of the green tea against the sweetness of the cake perfectly compliment each other.

I received an email detailing the treats in my box and also giving a little background info on what occasions they are usually eaten. I think this was a brilliant touch and just adds to the whole experience.

If you're like me and like trying new things I would really recommend giving this service a try. For $25 (around £15 GBH) including delivery per month you receive two shipments a monthly. Most of the sweets sent out are only available from Japan which just makes them even more special!

Please visit Candy Japan for yourself and try the wonderful service and products on offer. It's like having lots of mini birthdays every month and you only have to share if you want to! You can also send the boxes to others as a gift. It's just a win win situation.

For now I shall continue to sip my green tea and nibble on my delicious treats. Is it something you have tried or would like to try? Let me know x

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