
So after my unsuccessful trip to Waitrose to get a  post-workout snack I popped into Sainsburys and picked up this little beauty of a bar. As I'm in the process of cutting down on all the rubbish that I buy whilst out this is a little lifesaver.

They're 100% natural, no added sugar and gluten, wheat and dairy free so is excellent for people with special dietary requirements. They come in lots of gorgeous flavours including ginger bread and cocoa orange to name a few. You can find out more on their Nakd facebook page.

As someone who has the worst sugar cravings and post gym eating habits these hit the spot. They have just the right amount of sweetness and stops you eating a lot of crap between meals. I'm on a little quest to try them all out, however, for now I'm loving the cashew cookie for giving me that little after workout boost.

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